Within time, you soon become familiar with what it is you want. From one of my previous blogs concerning dating, I acknowledged that I know exactly what I want and don’t want in a man. I also know what I want and don’t want in my career life too. Since I am now comfortable with the person I am; I don’t have a problem with taking chances. Finally, I no longer fear taking chances!!! It’s about time!! I recognized that the only thing that can happen is being rejected or not. There’s a 50-50 chance the odds are in my favor.
Recently, I have tried my hand in things that I knew I would otherwise be turned down. I started this blog with the possibility that it wouldn’t go any further than a week or two. Look at me now. It doesn’t matter if only one person reads my blogs; it is a sense of personal achievement that I feared for years. I have applied for new careers and other endeavors that I would not usually feel confident in doing any other time in my life. I always doubted the possibility that I would actually have a chance. My point is this, what’s the worse that can happen but the word, “No”.
Hell, shoot your shot!!! If there is a lady/man you are interested in but you think they are out of your lead, try your hand. Get out the friend zone damn it!! You have waited long enough on the sideline. You may be surprised that they are interested too. If not, o well. If you want to change your career, apply for the job you want!!! The worse the company can say is, “sorry but you are not a match for the position”. You didn’t lose anything for trying and you still have your current job until it is time to move forward. If you want to buy a home, start the process needed to obtain it. The worse that can happen is being denied the loan. You will know what is needed to obtain it in the future when you try again. Don’t stay stagnant in things because you are comfortable or afraid. It took me this long to finally grow up and be that person who isn’t afraid to take chances in life without worrying about what others think or say.
You really don’t have anything to lose when it is something positive that can happen in your life. If it is a possibility that you can grow with the choices you make; take a chance!!! If you realize that the person you have your eyes on is genuinely a good catch; try your hand. Time isn’t promised. Life is short. Put fear in the backseat and go for the stars!!! Do what makes you happy. Create your destiny by taking the chances needed to prosper personally, intellectually, and financially. Let’s say it again, SHOOT YOUR SHOT!!! Roll the dice sweetie!!!